Planned Giving


The Performance Santa Fe Foundation ensures the long-term financial sustainability of Performance Santa Fe. The Foundation’s Board of Directors diligently oversees the management of the Foundation endowment, closely monitoring the efforts of experienced advisors to ensure responsible financial practices.

The Foundation actively encourages supporters of Performance Santa Fe to include the Foundation in their estate plans by making a charitable bequest. With a charitable bequest, individuals have the option to make changes or revoke their decision at any time, and it only takes effect after their passing.

Foundation Board of Directors

Timothy Mitchell, President
Jack Larson, Secretary
Ben Alaimo-Monson, Treasurer
Natalie Beller
Robin Black
David Marion

The Legacy Society

Individuals who have remembered the Foundation with a charitable bequest are invited to become a member of the Legacy Society, created to honor those who have chosen to remember Performance Santa Fe in their estate planning.

“We have everything from early medieval music to contemporary dance and native storytelling. So really just a wide variety. And I think what that meant was there's something for everyone.

I'm very curious and always liking to try something new, but if there's somebody who says, ‘Oh no, I only really want to see ballet’, they could do that. If they only wanted to hear classical music, they could do that. So I think we have such a variety that allows people to choose what they like or come to everything.

I love the fact that we're bringing really extraordinary talent to the city of Santa Fe. Of course, there's so many cultural opportunities, but I think what's unique is that we're bringing world class people from all over the world.

Often these are performers who typically perform in major cities, major metropolitan areas around the world, but bringing them to Santa Fe is unique.”

– Bronwyn Poole, PSF Board Member

Join the Legacy Society Today